our Services


our Services

Face of Yahweh Spiritual Home and Rehabilitation Centre has for many years successfully changed perspectives, impacted communities and without fail restored hope not only to those who were written off, but also to the ones who had given up on others. Situated in the heart of Limpopo, Face of Yahweh Spiritual Home and Rehabilitation Centre Head Office is in Mmotong was Perekisi, 30 minutes away from Polokwane and we have a branch in Midrand, Gauteng province conveniently positioned midway between Johannesburg and Pretoria. With vast open and well maintained spaces, and a program that has proven itself over many years, our centre makes for a peaceful and successful environment for reflection and recovery for all types of substance abuse.

Social Worker

They serve in a variety of roles and are
key contributors to the reintegration and
recovery of the victims in the facilities.

Medical–Assisted Treatment

It involves detoxification, treatment
assessment, and various

Group Therapy

- Group therapy allows people to practice behaviors and actions within the safety and security of the group.

- By working in a group, the therapists can see first hand how each person responds to other people and behaves in a social situation

Spiritual Rehabilitation

To provide the victims with support, purpose, and inspiration. In this process, victims enter into a 6- 12- month program to look beyond themselves and trust in the wisdom of God for guidance. This reliance on God is reflected in many of the steps of these programs. Some of the steps in these programs include prayer, meditation on the word of God, or relating to God about their struggles. All of this is done in a group setting and one and one with the Pastor, emphasizing a sense of connection. We have a comprehensive care plan for you!

Inpatient treatment program

Patients stay in a residential centre
during the treatment


- Physiological or medical removal of toxic substances from a living organism ,including the human body, which is mainly carried by the liver

- To purify the body of toxins or to stop consuming a drug, alcohol or other chemicals or substances

Spiritual stroke therapeutic counselling

We provide spiritual coping strategies through reading the bible and prayer meetings

Crisis intervention

We provide emergency for psychological stresses that victims face on a daily basis

Comprehensive care

The concurrent prevention and management of multiple physical and emotional heath problems in patients

Family & Community Reintergration

we recognize the importance of family and community reintegration in the recovery journey of our clients. We focus on anger issues, inforgiveness and mannerism.

Victim Family Reintergration

Our Victim Family Reintegration program is designed to provide support, healing, and empowerment to the families of individuals who have been affected by addiction.

Family Workshops

We provide Family Workshops for affected members of the patient family

Spiritual stroke therapeutic counselling

We provide spiritual coping strategies through reading the bible and prayer meetings

Bible Study & Prayer Sessions

We provide 8 Prayers Services per day including Bible Studies


Our goal is to help individuals break free from the cycle of alcohol dependency and reclaim their lives with dignity and purpose.


we understand that gambling addiction can have devastating effects on individuals and their loved ones, and we offer specialized services to help those struggling with this issue regain control of their lives.

8 Prayers Services per day including Bible Study

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What we offer


detoxication, medical-assisted treatment, assesment, various therapy, spiritual stroke therapeutic counseling, and comprehensive psychological care Meals, wellness fitness and manual


swimming pool, on-site gym, nutrition therapy as well as 24 hour onsite armed security


free skills developmet of your choice at the value of plus minus R30,000 for client who are admitted for 12 weeks above

programs offered:


- aligning individuals with god the creator
- substance abuse challenged victims
- individuals that have been through various
- treatment centres and programs
- individuals who have no major social responsibilities or employment related responsibilities.
- individuals who are experiencing severe consequences due to their substance abuse and regular long-term inpatient treatment.
- enrolling individuals on different acredited educational and development skills program of their choice for a separate fee

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Four steps of the Rehab Process

Here are the four key components of substance abuse treatment:

  •   01    Assessment: This stage enters around tailoring a treatment plan for the individual patient base on type, length and severity of his/her addiction, as well as any unique challenges that they face (such as concurring mental disorders or domestic abuse).

  •   02    Detox: During this phase, the goal is to eliminate your body’s dependence on the substance(s), and manage the symptoms of withdrawal.

  •   03    Therapy: The third stage uncovers and treats the underlying cause(s) of the addiction, and it gives addicts the tools to overcome their addiction.

  •   04    Aftercare: The purpose of the last phase is to facilitate the transition into programs that will help to continue the lifelong process of recovery by building on the treatment received in the previous steps and preventing relapses.

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Drug addiction, also called substance us disorder, is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behaviour, and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medication. Substances such as alcohol, marijuana and nicotine are also considered drugs. When you’re addicted, you may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes. Drug addiction can start with experimental use of a recreational drug in social situations, and for some people, the drug use becomes more frequent. For others, particularly with opioids, drug addiction begins with exposure to prescribed medications, or receiving medications from a friend or relative who has been prescribed the medication. The risk of addiction and how fast you become addicted varies by drug. Some drugs, such as opioid painkillers, have a higher risk and cause addiction more quickly than others. As time passes, you may need larger doses of the drug to get high. Soon you may need the drug just to feel good. As your drug use increases, you may find that it’s increasingly difficult to go without the drug. Attempts to stop drug use may cause intense cravings and make you feel physically ill (withdrawal symptoms).

Crystal Meth Addiction

Crystal meth is chemically similar to the drug methamphetamine, a stimulant that targets your central nervous system. While methamphetamine is made as a controlled prescription drug to treat ADHD, street versions of it are illegal and highly dangerous.

Cocaine Addiction

Powerful addictive, Cocaine is a stimulant drug obtained from the leaves of two Coca species native to South America, Erythroxylum coca and Erythroxylum novogranatense. On the street, it is usually sold as fine, white crystal powder.

Heroin Addiction

Heroin is a drug that comes from a flower, the opium poppy, which usually grows in Mexico, Asia, and South America. It's very addictive, it can look like a white or brown powder, or a sticky black “tar.” It's also called horse, smack, junk, and brown sugar among

Benzene Addiction

A chemical that is a colourless or light yellow liquid at room temperature. It has a sweet odour and is highly flammable. As a toxic chemical, it is found in nature and manufactured products. Benzene it is highly toxic to humans which means it can harm you if you swallow it, touch it, or breathe it in.

Methylated Spirits Addiction

Methylated Spirits is not classified as acutely toxic, but ingestion of small quantities can cause serious health effects due to high ethanol concentration. It is poisonous by nature and can lead to headache, dizziness, gastric disorder, nausea and central nervous system depression.

Ecstasy Addiction

A drug that is illegally made. It is a stimulant drug that can cause hallucinations. It is known as a designer drug because it was created for the purpose of making someone feel high. The drug is popular with teens and young adults who go to clubs, concerts, or “rave” parties.

Mandrax Addiction

A drug that is illegally made. It is a stimulant drug that can cause hallucinations. It is known as a designer drug because it was created for the purpose of making someone feel high. The drug is popular with teens and young adults who go to clubs, concerts, or “rave” parties.

Nyaope Addiction

Nyaope, a street drug commonly found in South Africa, is a mixture of low grade heroin, cannabis products, antiretroviral drugs and other materials added as cutting agents. It is a highly physiologically addictive substance which is smoked by users.

Methcathinone Addiction

Methcathinone or “cat,” as it is more commonly known, is a stimulant that is structurally similar to methamphetamine and cathinone. It is clandestinely manufactured from readily available chemicals and is fairly cheap and easy to manufacture in home kitchens.

Our Testimonials

"Face of Yahweh Spiritual Home and Rehabilitation Centre transformed my approach to wellness. From their knowledgeable staff to the serene atmosphere, it's a sanctuary for holistic healing."

"I've struggled with chronic pain for years, but after attending sessions at the Reherb Center, I've found relief like never before. Their integrative approach truly works wonders."

"After struggling with addiction for years, I didn't think recovery was possible. The Reherb Center showed me that it's never too late to change. Through therapy, support groups, and holistic treatments, I learned to heal from the inside out."

"Words cannot express my gratitude to the Face of Yahweh Spiritual Home and Rehabilitation Centre for saving my son's life. Their unwavering support, compassionate staff, and effective programs gave him the strength to overcome drug addiction and find hope for the future."

"As a parent, watching your child struggle with addiction is heart-wrenching. The Face of Yahweh Spiritual Home and Rehabilitation Centre provided our family with the guidance and resources we needed to navigate this difficult journey together. Thanks to their expertise and dedication, our daughter is now thriving in recovery."

"When our son entered the Face of Yahweh Spiritual Home and Rehabilitation Centre, we were filled with fear and uncertainty. But from the moment we stepped through their doors, we felt a sense of hope and healing. Their compassionate staff and evidence-based programs gave our son the strength and support he needed to overcome his addiction."

"When we discovered that our son was battling alcohol abuse, we felt lost and helpless. The Face of Yahweh Spiritual Home and Rehabilitation Centre became our lifeline. Their holistic approach to treatment addressed not only his addiction but also the underlying issues contributing to it. Today, we have our son back, sober and filled with hope."